So, we call you Chicker. It's a nickname that is going to stick. Poor kid, sorry. Lately I've been calling you Chick Magnet, becaue of that MXPX song. You don't seem to mind. You have good rythm and the song's got a nice beat that we can dance to.
(watch the vide here if you are so inclined)
Besides that, you've spent two weeks of your last month sicker than sick. Not a whole lot goes on when you sound like a weezy old cat. However, just this week, this week of being well, you have made me smile - as you have made all those around you smile, too.
You are a concentrater, nook and cranny explorer, ball player, and all around busy little kid. There is no space to small, no ledge to high and no object that is out of your reach. I think that you think it's your job to DESTROY every single day; whether it be ripping paper, slobbering on toys, or unrolling every single roll of toilet paper in the house.
You are not quiet, but you are sneaky. The other morning we were doing laundry (oh how I hope you and your brother love laundry when you're older as much as you do now) and you started crawling away, around the corner. I was right behind you and as I dove to pick you up, you sat up right at the top of the stairs. Your squishy little butt was a mere centimeter from the edge. If you would have leaned back just a smidge more you would have tumbled surely to your death. My heart fell out of my throat as I swooped in and picked you up. Once the panic subsided and I told you to never do that again - you started laughing at me.
sneaky, sneaky.
Little do you know that this weekend, we're getting a gate. Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Whenever you concentrate, you stick your tongue out. And you stick it out far, leaning it to the right. What requires your concentration? Well, pretty much everything. Sneaking under the desk to get the modem right now as I'm typing. Pushing your high chair, the little shopping cart, your brother all over the house standing up. Getting into garbage cans and throwing your diapers all over the floor to name a few.
I'm pretty confident that you'll be walking by your birthday, if not a little bit sooner. This is great news for you and bad news for your brother. Every day you get a little bit more brave, and a little bit stronger and pretty soon, you're going to match that skinny kid pound for pound. That will be interesting. Good thing he loves you lots and lots.
You love to sing and talk and move around all day long. When your brother was 10 months old he stopped drinking bottles. You're now 10 months old and no longer seem to be interested in baby food. Now that you've acutally got some teeth in your mouth, food is at your beck and call.
You've tried and loved, just to name a few; sprite zero, french fries, bread, bread and more bread, oranges, marshmallows, bundt cake, lots of frosting, sugar cookies (can you tell your mama has a sweet tooth?), crasins, crackers, pretzels, tortilla chips. Pretty bland stuff really, but your moving in the real food direction every single day.
And, you're looking like a giant one year old in your high chair more and more every single day.
As always little Chickie - we love you more than words can express. You are the calm in the storm, and the yang of your brother's ying. You keep our family in balance and for that, among every thing else, I love you lots and lots.
That, and your super ticklish double chin.