Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jodi and Trevor got Married (witrh more photos)

Note: I've added more pictures. Please scroll through all the photo booth shots and the wedding pics are at the end.

On Friday, May 20, 2011 my cousin Jodi married Trevor.  It was a good day with cooperative weather.  It was also the first time I've heard my newest cousin speak.  They've been dating for almost two years and not until their wedding day had I ever heard his voice.

Good to know you're not a mute, Trevor!

Jodi asked me months ago if I would take the pictures for her photo booth guest book.  I of course said yes and after hours and hours of editing in the last few days I finally got them finished.  I took a few other pictures too.  It's hard to take photos when one of your kids is screaming and you're ignoring him.

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