Friday, May 31, 2013

Family Tradition

I wasn't the best student in high school.  In all honesty, I pretty much despised my entire high school experience, and minus a handful of people, don't even remember the names or faces of those I went to school with.  I wasn't social or friendly and my "shy" and "social anxiety" came off as snobbish...which I guess it probably was.  I had very few real friends, teachers that I liked, or super positive experiences.  I dropped out of seminary.  My calculus teacher told me I was stupid.  My AP Government teacher drove a "probe".  Playing volleyball and basketball got me through, having a mom and grandma go to bat for me that one time kept me from being suspended, and the day I graduated was one of the best days of my entire 18 years of living.

I wasn't valedictorian, but I worked hard enough and got good grades, I think that my ranking was #10 in my class.  All "A's" except for three "C's" in calculus.  I was Academic All-State in volleyball and basketball and and at the senior awards banquet a week or so before school got out, I, as my sister, brought home a haul of hairnets and name tags awards.  I remember being pretty shocked that my name kept getting called to the front of the banquet room that night.  I also remember that Andrew Tanner's dad leaned over after I'd gotten one very important award and said, "That Annie Petersen is quite a catch!"

Off all the awards and accolades I received that night, most of which I still have in my hope chest (sigh) was the Ann Pehrson award.  The Ann Pehrson Award was for outstanding senior girl.  There were probably a bunch of girls who could have or should have received that award, but I got it.  It was a gold medallion in a beautiful burgundy case, and it was to me then, as it is now, a really big deal.  You see, two years later, my sister would also receive the Ann Pehrson Award.  And, many moons before that, my mom was also the recipient her senior year at Cyprus High School.

Now fast forward to 2013.  Last night was my brother's senior awards banquet and, like his sisters before him, he swept the ceremonies.  My dad was carrying his stack of awards, plaques, certificates and even some envelopes with gift cards and cash.  He was recognized for his leadership and his athleticism.  He got the outstanding male athlete award, which my dad told me was a big deal because he didn't want any more recognition for being a scholar-athlete - just for being good at sports.

Among his many accolades @willie_petersen44 is valedictorian and outstanding senior male.  My sister, mom and I were all the outstanding senior girl (all at cyprus).  It runs in the family and we expected nothing less.  #soproud

My brother, like my sister, is also the valedictorian of his class and, like our sister, will be speaking at his graduation next week.

And, my brother, like his sisters and his mom before him, was recognized for being the outstanding senior male (well, you know....the outstanding senior student of his gender).  That's a big deal when there are 2400 kids at your school.

In talking to my parents last night and my mom this afternoon, we both, of course, gushed a little bit about my giant crazy little brother.  He is such a good kid and has dedicated his life to the kids at his school this year.  And, like his sisters, he is so ready to graduate and move on with his life he can hardly stand it.  There are such big things in his future, I cannot wait to see what he can do.

But, the other thing....

My mom always says to us when we are being mopey or pouty, "I didn't born no ugly children".....

She didn't born no stupid ones, either.


Me, @willie_petersen44 , and my sister.   All three of us were academic all state in two sports.  All three of us in basketball.   Pretty cool.

The successes in the lives of me, my sister, and my brother are in direct correlation to two parents who have loved and supported us through everything from the moment we were born.  They have dedicated their lives to us, and I am so grateful for all the sacrifices I know that they have made, all the hours they have spent helping us in our lives, and from my perspective now, for the amazing grandparents that they are to my three little goofballs.

I'm also so proud of my brother.

More gushing to follow in the coming week.....

Pictures from a real camera...

Honestly, I almost never break out my digital SLR these days.  It seems to be either a phone picture or no picture, unless it's a special occasion like a birthday.  The big camera came out for Wyatt's birthday earlier in the month and then I just left it out in the family room and ended up snapping pictures for a few days after his birthday just for fun.  Pictures of my boys playing balloon volley ball, wrestling, and playing on their kindles in the tent Wyatt got for his birthday.  The pictures are such good quality, it's a shame I'm so lazy.











Friday, May 24, 2013

Tomb of the Forgotten Birthday

Hello there friends.

I realize that I am a blog interloper, but I have something important to share.

Today is Annie's birthday.

Annie always has to share her birthday with either Memorial Day, other cousins, Wyatt, etc. and this year is no exception.

We are in St. George for the weekend participating in a Talbot family reunion.  We are taking advantage of the opportunity to see grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. 

It is going to be a great time, but as usual, Annie has to share.

We joke that she never gets to do what she wants to do (because she defers to the other four people at her house), but it really is true.

Annie is selfless.  She spends her time and energy on others just about 10
0% of the time.  Even her birthday present (a new gas stove) is something that she will use for us.

Take time to wish her a happy birthday - we love her and she deserves it!
p.s. - there are two kinds of people in this world. Annie is a beatles person. Enjoy Sir Angela Lansbury singing the birthday song!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Around the house...

As always, I'm not sure where the time goes.

It seems like our routine is pretty....well, routine and that at the end of the day we are all exhausted.  I get a few minutes here and there to check my e-mail.  I talk to my husband at lunch time, if I'm lucky, and as we drift off to sleep. My boys have endless energy.

Life is good, even though it feels a little to stressful at times.

And, busy....busy, busy, busy.  I know a lot of people who say they are busy and aren't but believe me, we've got lots going on.

For example:

This little person learned how to crawl this weekend.  One of us (me) is not happy about this new development.  #crawlersaretroublemakers

Let's talk about this little bugger. Over the weekend, he learned to crawl and life will never be the same. He is a total menace, albeit a cute one. He is into everything, banging and crashing around. He even found a marker under his brother's bed, got the lid off, and colored his face and his tongue. Busy, busy, busy holy terror. And if that weren't enough, he's figured out how to motor around in his walker, open drawers and cupboards and empty them of their contents. I cannot seem to lose weight exercising, but I might chasing this kid around.

The end of tball

Wyatt finished t-ball and only cried three times in 8 games. Victory! He did a great job and his dad took another great turn as coach. We went from frigid weather, to sweltering heat, to torrential rain during his little 4 week season and he was a champ.

Cleanliness and organization of the family room brought to you by my 6 year old.  This is what he did when I left him home to take his brother to school.  Man in love that kid.

Elliott just started his final off-track for the school year and is already completely stir-crazy. On Monday, when Quinn and I got home from taking Wyatt to preschool, I came home to a beautifully cleaned and organized family room. He's already spent so much time on his kindle that he chose to clean. Good boy!  And, as with every other off-track he's had, he has been sick.  Trouble out of both ends, if you know what I mean.  But, minus an initial puking all over the floor and the top of the toilet, he seems to have figured it out and managed the rest of his troubles like a champ.

My monster cookie

Monday was a terribly rainy day. It was great. It was the perfect day for making cookies and rather than just whip up a batch of my regular chocolate chip, I sought out a new recipe. It was a recipe that was a copy-cat of the Levain Bakery's cookies in NYC. One batch of dough yielded 12 of the largest and tastiest cookies I've made in a long time. Even my husband who doesn't particularly care for good old chocolate chip cookies told me that they were the best I've made. So good.

Last dance of the year for @willie_petersen44 . Handsome he is.  #10moredaysofhighschool

And this brother went to "senior ball" with "don't call her my girlfriend" Maddie. He tweeted that it was the best time of his life, but they didn't play "forever young" at the dance, so it cannot really be the best time ever! Just wait little brother....a few more days of high school and then "life" really begins. Good times are a comin'.

Husbands view this morning from scout camp. #igutah

What else? Our dad went camping in the pouring rain and took this great picture. We celebrated the birthday's of Molly-wog and Jackity-Jack....also in the rain. We drove around in the rain We wished we could run through sprinklers while watching the rain fall. We played baseball in the almost rain. Elliott has a super loose tooth. Quinn has 7 teeth. Wyatt only eats corn chips with his teeth.

Life is here for the taking and we are trying to take it all in.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

My three sons....

Tis the season for school programs and the boys have each had theirs in the last couple of weeks.

Wyatt was first up with his mother's day program.  His little class sang three songs, and then presented each of their moms (and one grandpa) with a cute little paper, a poem and a plant they grew themselves.  It was sweet.  Wyatt was a little shy and nervous about all the moms so up close and watching, and he had to sit by this super goof ball boy, Cohen, who kept hitting him on the head, but it was great.

Mothers day program

Yesterday was Elliott's kindergarten spectacular.  The little kids have been practicing for ages and even had to wear their best clothes for the program.  Elliott opted for a shirt and tie and he looked great.  He had a part at the microphone and recited it like a pro.  Grandma and I were so proud of him.  He did an excellent job.

Kindergarten program.   Where is Elliott?

And that cute little baby that wraps up the boys three?  He's been a bit of a bugger lately.  You see, his mouth hurts and in the last three weeks, he's gone from us thinking that he's getting one tooth, to two teeth, to four teeth, to yesterday me spotting another one.

That chill little baby who has been so uptight we can hardly stand it?  He's had 5 teeth pop into his mouth all at the same time - bringing his grand total to 7.  Four on top and three on the bottom.

Hot baby #onemoregame

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Wyatt: 4 years old!

On Friday night, you came outside as I was finishing planting some flowers.  You found a dead bee on the front porch and said to me, "Mom, look at that bee!"  I looked and replied, "Yeah, I think it's a dead bee."  You paused, looked at it a little more closely and told me, "No.  It's not dead.  It's just being really still.  I think it's resting."

I'm not sure why that short conversation stuck with me so much in the last two days, but for me, it sort of sums up what kind of little boy you are becoming.  Observant, thoughtful, and a problem solver who always seems to be looking on the brighter side of life.

When I told Grandma Judy the story she laughed.  She said that even though you got off to a slow start - not talking until you were almost two, being a bit of a destructive bruiser with a mean and whiny streak, that you've really turned into a smart, funny, and delightful little boy.

For their birthdays my boys get to pick a birthday activity and restaurant for dinner.   This boys activity of choice was scheels to ride the ferris wheel.

And delightful you are.  I love being your mom little Chick and am so proud of you this last year.  Your dad and I have talked several times about how going from three to four years old is such a huge deal.  In the last year you went from a crib to a big boy bed.  You learned how to pee in a toilet.  You got rid of your binker.  You learned how to ride a razor scooter like a dare devil and you started preschool.  You get to go to primary instead of nursery and even gave your first talk in front of an audience of your peers.

You have grown up so much.  Elliott is your best friend and the two of you are glued to each other day in and day out.  I think that sharing a room when Quinn joined the family has been a great experience for you.  The two of you play so well together and I hope forever and ever that you will be such good friends and take good care of each other....and that baby of yours.  Every morning when you see your Quinner your eyes light up and you run to him to talk and tickle and make him laugh.  And, in return, every morning, he rubs your head, pokes your face and tries to pick your nose.

Mothers day program

My boy, you are funny and goofy...always pulling faces, dancing and singing.  You never stop bopping around, singing songs, or seeing the bright side.  Your glass is always half full and most of the time, your excitement is pretty infectious.  You may whine a lot, puke a lot, and fall asleep in the car all the time but I wouldn't trade a single thing about you....even your Star Wars obsession.  You love the dark side, prefer Vader and Maul to the Jedi's and most days your dad and I can find you humming the Imperial March as you walk through the house.

I love how good you are with friends, and classmates, and your baby brother.  You are kind and gentle when you need to be and tough when it counts.  This year, we've had no crying in t-ball and you are getting really good at sharing, taking turns, and brokering deals.  You can convince Elliott to to do or trade almost anything.

New games on their kindles.  I hope they love each other forever.

Your laugh is infectious and lately, your favorite show is America's Funniest Home Videos.  Before bed every night, when it's boys time before bed, I sit and listen to you and your dad and your brothers on the baby monitor laughing hysterically at peoples foibles caught on tape.  It melts my heart to hear you laugh.

You have always been my cuddly little buddy and remind me of your uncle Willie who, if he has the chance, will still try to sit on someones lap.  I hope you will never be too cool for a hug and a kiss and a squeeze.  When I'm sitting on the floor, at least once a day you'll come up to me and give me an "Anaconda Squeeeezzzzeeeee" and squeeze me as hard as you can.  I love it, and return the favor with as many tickles as you can stand.   Uncle Willie taught you the anaconda squeeze.  In fact, Uncle Willie teaches you a lot of stuff.  I'm pretty sure he's your best big buddy and I know he's your favorite Uncle Willie there ever was.  At Disneyland, on our first day, the two of you were completely inseparable and it was super cool to see.


This last year has seen a lot of "the terrible three's" but as you've inched closer to four, you've started to grow up so much and I'm so excited to see what the next year holds for you.  You can write your name, read a few words, and do some pretty hard math problems.  You have a memory like an elephant and had so much fun at Disneyland that I don't think you could even stand it.
Top o the mornin to ya!

Lots and lots of love is headed your way.....and will be given back in return.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Quinner: 8 months

Hello baby boy.  I'm a little slow in getting this post written, but last week, on May 2, you turned 8 months old.  Oh my how time is flying by so quickly.  Just today, Elliott said to me, "mom, remember when Quinn was so tiny that he wore those little nightgown things?"  "Yes," I told him.  But Quinn is a little too big for those now.
This is how we watch tball when its butt cold
As with every month older you get, the last few weeks have been full of growing and new experiences.  You took your first trip to instacare, because you threw up and I panicked.  Your good dad took you late in the night and we found out that you had an ear infection.  We also found out that you weigh 25 pounds.  In the last week, you've gone from 2 teeth, to almost 6 teeth and have been a bear about life for a few days because your mouth has been so sore.  You have been inconsolable and screaming and crazy for a couple of days and it's driving me absolutely crazy.  But, I think that things are getting better and hopefully Captain Chill will return.

Rolling around
You've been eating some bread, some crackers, drinking a little bit of juice, and dad even gave you frozen yogurt the other night.  You loved it.  You can roll and spin and twirl around to get anywhere you want and get there quickly, but you love to roll to the tile by the fireplace and kick as hard as you can.  Not sure why, but it's your thing.  That and getting your legs stuck under the couch.  It's like you have a gravitational pull to the sofa and getting stuck but you're working on it.  You've graduated to the big boy bathtub and are starting to figure out that splashing in the water is fun.  You love to be in the walker and bounce and dance and kick your little feet...but, you can only go backwards.  However, you can go backwards all over the house.

Until you crash into a wall.
Butt cold

There are a few people in this world that you truly love.  Me, and dad and your brothers of course, but you seem to love your Grandma Judy.  Whenever she holds you, you put your left ear right up to her mouth so that she can kiss you a thousand times.  Sometimes, you let me do it to, but mostly it's grandma.

Let's see, what else:
You say, "mamama" and "dadadad" and your big brother is pretty certain you say "Elliott".

Not to be forgotten I love these boys toom #lategram
You love to clap and sing and are starting to recognize music.  Mom loves the Lumineers lately and there are a couple of songs that, when you're eating in the high chair and they come on the ipod you stop, look towards the dock and smile.  It's pretty cute.
8 months old this week
You love to be outside and any chance you get is an absolute treat - even with the wind blasting you in the face.  We've been camping out at lots of baseball and t-ball games the last few weeks and minus the frigid temperatures, you've loved being out and about.

You tug on your hair when you drink a bottle and burrow your head into my shoulder when you're tired.

You prefer to nap while being held, but are getting better not only about actually taking naps, but taking them in your bed.
Sick and getting more teeth.  We've been like this for two hours.
You love your brothers so much and they love you back even more.

We love and love and love you so much little buddy.  It's sad for me to see you moving completely away from being a baby to being a little boy.  You've almost figured out crawling and it makes me sad.  I want you to stay little and not enter that evil mobile baby zone where you have no idea what you are doing and just crash and cry all the time.  But, it's so fun to watch you figure things out so I guess it's okay.

Big boy playing all by himself
Keep growing and keep loving us.  We will love you back.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Keeping an eye out for me...

Where I spent my Saturday morning.  A couple week late anniversary activitym

Yesterday morning, Ross and I finally got around to doing the activity we'd planned to do a few weeks ago for our wedding anniversary.  We had decided, that in honor of 10 years, we'd go back to the Salt Lake Temple and do proxy sealings.  We figured that we be a cool way to celebrate and recognize our own anniversary, but the original day ended up being too busy and we had to reschedule.

Anyway, we got into the temple and as I rounded the corner to head to the women's locker room, there was a beautiful old grandma sitting in a chair, directing traffic.  I saw her and pretty much stopped dead in my tracks.  That woman was the spitting image of my grandma Huber.  Same hair, same face, same soft hands (I didn't hold her hand, but i could tell).  She gave me a half smile smirk and pointed me in the direction that I was supposed to go.

It was just a little moment in time, mere seconds, our interaction, but in that precious building, doing something that I know to be right, it was like she was right there, just telling me good morning, and that I was a good girl.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

May the 4th be with you!

This guy is the best.   Its his birthday today.   Love him lots.  #maythe4thbewithyou

Today is his birthday.
He didn't really want to celebrate.
He didn't really want presents.

Everything is low key.
We went to the temple this morning as a delayed anniversary activity and we ate lunch...
but not at the place he wanted to go because the line was too long.

Then, he mowed the lawn.

We did get an ice cream cake.


I love this boy lots and lots.

Happy Birthday, Ross!


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