Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Quinn's first birthday celebration

The third baby is forgotten when it comes to birthdays. ...too much othee stuff going on.  But I did make hom a poster and got him a cake and well have a little celebration tonight with grandma - that's as good as it gets.  Next year, ill do better.

So, for the first time in maybe forever, I totally dropped the ball on the birthday front.  My sweet little baby is the third kid.  The third first birthday.  Maybe I realized that a first birthday isn't that big of a deal.  Maybe I am just lazy and forgot.  Regardless, the day after his birthday the boys and I went to toys r us to take Quinn shopping.  They turned on every single toy on the baby aisle and he reached out and grabbed the one he thought was the best.  And he ate the cardboard as we continued through the store throwing other crap into our cart.

On Wednesday night, we had a little party with my immediate family and Grandpa Huber.  It was our regular Wednesday night dinner and we just had a barbecue at our house.  We got treats from Schmidt's - cookies for the guests and a little cake for the birthday boy.

My mom couldn't believe that I just let that little fart, on the carpet no less, destroy a beautiful Schmidt's cake but we did.  He was the first of my one year old's to even be willing to touch a cake let alone completely annihilate it and start eating the cardboard.

Hmmmm.  Cardboard.  Perhaps there is a theme?

Anyway, the kid had a great party with lots of presents and lots of present helpers.  What more could a cute and squishy one year old ask for.

Maybe to walk, but he's working on that.

And, to add insult to my lack of party planning injury, my camera is broken.  The birthday boy himself pulled my fancy SLR off the counter and now it doesn't work.  So, there are only a few lousy cell phone pictures to document the big day.

Sorry kiddo.

We still love you lots!

Happy birthday cake before


After: total and complete annihilation

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