Monday, July 27, 2015

The end of Summer Number One

Elliott went back to school today.

First day of third grade.

Wyatt met his teachers today and starts officially as a first grader tomorrow.

Summer is over and we are back to school.

The last week of summer wasn't quite as busy as the previous two, but I tired.   And Ross was away at scout camp.  I also completely ran out of mental and physical and emotional energy.  For all my lamenting about year round school, this morning came just at the right time.

But I digress.

The last week of Summer #1.

We went to the Natural History Museum at the "U" and caught the last week of the "extreme mammals" exhibit where Quinn came face to face with a giant "Rhino".  Quinn also had a gargantuan meltdown screaming fit at said museum because, you know, there were other kids there, touching things.  Ug, this kid!

Today's summer adventure... As you can see, Quinn is quite enamored by the giant "rhinoceros"

Thanks @cindykaywood for the fun party. #nightswimming

On Monday night, we went swimming in Aunt Cindy's pool.  The Wood's had eaten Pizza for dinner and Cindy graciously let my kids devour the leftovers.

Tuesday was a pretty chill day.  We went to swimming lessons, ran some errands and went to the Expo Center to see the 24th of July floats.  On Tuesday night, we went to my mom's for dinner with a special guest.  "Elder" Nathan Hall, who was Willie's most current companion, who returned home the last week of June, came to dinner.  He was cute and fun and nice and I could totally see why Elder Petersen has a nice (and platonic) "bromance" going on with him.  He fit right in, didn't think we were dorks, and even let Mama Judy teach him how to use Instagram.  She also made him watch goofy videos of Willie from high school on Youtube, but that's a different story.

Elder Hall, I mean Nathan, came for an interrogation, I mean dinner.  He is a nice boy!


Hey look!  We found a temporary replacement for the #lithuanianexpress

Wednesday, Elliott went to Cub Country at Camp Tracy up Millcreek canyon with his Wolf Den.  He had a great time and came home filthy dirty.  Wyatt and Quinn and I just hung out at home and watched movies.  LAZY.

I guess the first day of cub scout camp was a success!

Thursday, Ross was home from scout camp and he took boys #2 and #3 to my mom's on his way to work and I got to go to Cub Country with Elliott.  It was a fun day and I was happy to be able to go.  We got home, picked up the boys and met our dad for dinner at Hires.

I really like cub country.

While I was at cub country, my mom had my other kids (and my sister's kids).  They spent part of the day creating a rock family. #nevertoomanypaintedrocks

Friday - the 24th of July.  As is my nature to boycott holiday's in general, my mom took the boys swimming while I stayed home, working on projects and their dad picked them up on his way home from work.  They came home exhausted and sunburned, which is just how I like it.  But we did sit on our front lawn on Friday night and watch the sky light up with fireworks.  Because, I'm sure that when the Pioneers arrived in the valley in 1847, the really wanted to light off some mortars and arials.

On Saturday we hosted the 4th annual Petersen Family post 24th of July BBQ.  A lot of family members were out of town or unable to come, but thanks so much to those that made it.  We had a build your own gourmet burger bar and every one brought tasty side dishes.  We had Rita's Italian Ice for dessert.  It was a really great night.

And now - we are back to the rat race of school, but just for three weeks, where we will return to summer.  Summer #2.

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