Monday, November 14, 2005

What else do you do on a Sunday night?

Last night was the end of our weekend with Ross' parents and we must have had so much fun and excitement, that all we had left in us was to sit and watch tv. We ate a great dinner of homemade chicken enchiladas, Spanish rice, and homemade salsa and settled in for a November evening of footbal and cooking shows. With a little creative furniture arrangement, everyone was accomodated in the tv watching.

Personally, I didn't watch too much of the "boob tube" because I was busy in the kitchen making cookies, burning my fingers, and cleaning up my cookie mess. This however, was okay, because I was not too interested in the football game or the championship pie cook-off. We did have a very nice weekend and a busy one as well. By 9:00 on Sunday night, Ross and I were ready for bed and a good night sleep. Considering that we have both been sick for the last two weeks, and that Ross has been much phlemier than anyone I have ever seen in my entire life, we both took enough cold pills and tylenol pm to ensure that good nights sleep. Just look at Ross' picture...doesn't he look exhausted?

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