Monday, December 12, 2005

The Work Party and Gift Fight

Today was the first time I have ever had a work party. As a teacher in a high school, no one wanted to socialize outside of work time...maybe because most of us didn't even know each other's names. We did have a luncheon in the principal's office each year, but I would usually take food back to my classroom and sit and eat smashed croissant ham sandwhiches in solitude.

This year I don't work in a school and got to particpate in a real office party. There was no booze at this party, it was during the day time, so I wasn't lucky enough to see anyone embarass themselves with lampshades or impromptu make-out sessions like the movies have always told me happens at work parties. Instead we ate a good lunch, and I shared a chocolate mousse torte with Vickie.

We did have a small gift exchange in which I was able to wrangle and secure (even though a lot of people wanted it...shazbut!) a magic 8 ball. My mom has one on the island in her kitchen and, once i take mine home, it can sit in my kitchen too. You never know when you will need a magic 8 ball to make those ever important life decisions.

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