Friday, October 20, 2006

It's all Gary's fault, part deux

I mentioned a few posts ago that I am fearful of completely loosing my mind. Well, I had another incident today that is starting to turn my worst fears into a reality. I left work early today because I just wasn't feeling well. Friday's are starting to be hard days for me to function. I had to run a couple of errands on my way home, and I was starving, and my blood sugar was pretty low. So, rather than try to make it home to eat, I knew I needed food...STAT!

I decided to avoid the freeway and drive down state street, with the thought that the first place I found for food, on my side of the road, would be lunch. That happened to be an Arby's. I drove into the drive thru lane, checked my blood sugar and shot up in the car so I would be ready to chow down. Here is where I started to run into problems. The drive thru required that I exit west bound on 1700 South. Fine, I thought, I'll just take 17th to 3rd West and hop on the freeway at 21st South. Well, once I got to 3rd west it was too crowded and I didn't want to wait. This caused me to veer out of the left turn lane and keep going down 17th until 9th West, where I knew I could once again get on the freeway. While driving on 9th West I did everything right until I got on the ramp to get me to the freeway.

Now, I knew the exit I needed...I-15 South/Las Vegas. Even though I knew that, I stayed in the far right lane, for Northbound I-15 and 9th South. ARG! ^#(@&*%*&^@# I AM SO STUPID! I got on the wrong ramp and headed back into downtown, where at this time, I had already been trying to escape for nearly 30 minutes. Lucily, it didn't all end badly. I managed to get off on 1300 South, go right under the freeway and loop back on. I did make it home in once piece and was so embarassed and exhausted by my adventure, I slept for 3 hours.

People tell me this will just get worse. I can't wait.

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