In the last month, you've learned to do some pretty spectacular things. You can grab your toes and pull them to your mouth, you could win a gold medal at the slobber Olympics, and you've become quite the talker. You bable and bable as if the whole world is waiting to hear what you have to say.
This month, you are all about standing, sitting up, drinking from a sippy cup and even using a straw. You seem to get more and more independent every day and never let me hold you or rock you to sleep. It seems that you would rather do everything yourself. You are getting good at standing alone, as long as mom or dad are nearby and just this morning I timed you and you sat a whole minute by yourself without tipping over.
Most importantly this got your helmet. It's a cute helmet. You definitely can rock the helmet and everyone who sees you in it thinks it's awesome. We've heard all kinds of comments (A little girl at Target told her mom your helmet was cool and a guy at the church thinks your training to play football already) and received lots of double takes, but it's all been good. You've taken to the head gear splendidly and have even figured out, in a few short days, how to sleep with it on. Good boy!
In the past 4 weeks you've been swimming a lot, had your first major holiday disaster on the 4th of July, have started to get your two front teeth, and even went to the zoo.
No wonder you're tired all the time. That and this whole growing out of control thing must have you exhausted.
Tomorrow, we're off to buy more 18 month sized clothes because your 12 month stuff is just too short.
Cute boy! According to my records, Elliott will be 6 months old on the 23rd?????
The football picture is so cute. I was with my girl friend who has a 4 month baby and he weighs 11 lbs. Elliot really would look like a football player next to him! Jodi
You forgot to mention that he responds to Grandma Judy's kissing coaxing.
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