Monday, September 24, 2007

He wants to suck your blood

6 teeth, originally uploaded by bookemdano1978.

Elliott has never been a puker. He's ocassionally overflowed, but puke hasn't been his m.o. That was the story until he started getting his teeth anyway. In the last 6 weeks or so he's been a puking, grumpy, nightmare of a child. Not all the time, but when one of those teeth wants to show it's face, he's not been a fun baby to be around.

In the last 6 weeks we've gone from a baby to a vampire, with 6 teeth coming in. First, the two on the bottom, then the two incisors, and finally the middle two front teeth. This kid has gotten all of his teeth in sets of two and boy oh boy, I can't wait for the molars to come in. That will be like a trip to Disneyland it will be so much fun.

I spent most of the day trying to document the teeth on film. I followed Elliott around with a camera desperately trying to get him to laugh and take his pictuer at the same time. It never quite worked right. Then Ross came home. I told him of my picture quest and he offered to help - by putting Elliott on the changing table and prying his mouth open so I could take a picture.

It worked. Check out those chompers.


Unknown said...


the molars are SO not fun. you think this is bad.....oh boy.

he's going to look so grown up with his front teeth all in...i'm so excited to see him. looks like we will be out for hopefully we can see him then!

Anonymous said...

Child abuse!! hALEY

Harried Mom said...


I truly feel your pain. I had Riley cutting his first teeth while Bailey was cutting her first molars. I was reflecting earlier today that I have repressed much of my early days with them as it was just so nightmarish!!! I think the worst for us have been the incisors/eye teeth. If you need a spell during the day let me know as I can always take a cranky baby for an hour or two.


Jodi said...

I wouldn't let child services see these pictures.


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