First and foremost, Elliott is finished with his helmet. After 3 months he improved from a 12 mm differential to a 6 mm one. The goal was 5 mm or smaller but at this point, we'd be keeping it on him for another month for 1 mm. That's the good news, no more helmet. Elliott and I were very pleased. Yeah!
Though happy to have the helmet off we are, the experience at the doctor's today was less than pleasant. I was completely positive that our appointment today was at 1:00 pm. I checked my planner and thought I read 1 pm. We got to the office of the plastic surgeon who has been supervising our helmet experience and I checked us in, noting that we were 10 minutes early and would be happy to wait. The first receptionist ignored us, pretending not to see us at her desk. Maybe her multi-colored spikey hair was in the way. The second receptionist, let's call her Big Boobies, looked at her schedule and told us that we were supposed to have come at Noon. Big Boobies wasn't nice about it. Neither was her clone, Bib Boobies II, at the other desk. I'm not sure who was at fault, me or them but regardless, Elliott and I were 50 minutes late for our appointment. All the helmet kids were gone and replaced by women seeing the doctor for, you guessed it, new boobies.
Now, I realize that I made an error, and I apologized profusely. Boobies I and II were not in any way receptive to my apology. Neither was Boobies the Bombshell Nurse who took us back to a room or Boobies the Head Measurer. (They must all get a discount) I'M SORRY WE WERE LATE! Apparently, no one is every late to the plastic surgeon's office. They squeezed us in (no pun intended) and I think because they were ticked off at me, told us that Elliott graduated! No more helmet. That was nice. The doctor however, told me to schedule an appointment for 6 months from now to check on his progress and the small dent in the back of his head. As I went to the front desk, the Boobies were no wear to be found. Elliott and I just left w/o making a follow-up appointment.
Here's the thing that bothers me. I readily admitted that I made a mistake. I was as cordial about it as possible. They could have told me that I needed to reschedule, or as nicely as possible told me that they'd get us in. Or, they could have called the day before like all other good doctor's offices and reminded me, avoiding the error in the first place. I just don't understand why people who are in the customer service industry are so rude sometimes. I realize that, unlike all the women (and it's only women) who work for the plastic surgeon look like the just stepped off of of "Doctor 90210" and I am a lowly house wife with an 8 month old helmet baby who spends less time making herself presentable for public outings than they do putting on lip liner, but holy cow! Be nice! Why is it so hard to be nice? It's your job. You are the receptionist! You receive people! Be hospitable!
Good grief. At least we don't have to go back. Yeah!