We don't talk politics in our house. It's a rule. Ross and I don't agree so it's best that we save all political discussions for when we are with people of like mind and interests. That being said my mom sent me a link this morning to see who my political candidate is.
here's the link:
Select a Candidate 2008
In case your intersted, here's my family breakdown so far:
Annie - Hilary Clinton
Ross - Tom Tancredo and John McCain
Haley - John Edwards
Karl - Mitt Romney
Judy - Hilary Clinton
Willie - Duncan Hunter
As you can see, in a single family, we're all pretty divided on our political views. It often makes for interesting Sunday dinners.
Check out the quiz and see who your candidate is.
Well, I thought Hillary was my man, so to speak. But after taking your little quiz I am Dennis Kucinich supporter all the way. Or a Bill Richardson as I wasn't that far off there either. I lived in NM and had Richardson as a governor for a while in addition to knowing of him on a personal level through Brian's step-dad's family, I don't think he'd make a good President, but I do think he's an excellent VP choice. Anyhow, I think Kucinich looks like an elf! Tiffany
Hillary Clinton. And I'm happy to know my opinions do allign with who I was already leaning towards.
MINE was duncan hunter and mitt
oh dear.
i'm for romney btw.
not b/c he is LDS but b/c he is clearly the guy to bring back integrity, morals and honesty back into the white house.
on your little thingy though it said duncan. but i couldn't tell you much about him...
As a San Diegan I can't say much that is positive about Duncan Hunter. He's partially responsible for the border fence made with corrugated tin (old army barracks roofing) that can be scaled in high heels, not very effective! Tiffany
I am not one for personal attacks, but sometimes the natural man overcomes...
Hilary Clinton smells of elderberries.
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