There is that saying "when it rains it pours", well we've had ourselves some rain. Just a drizzle really, but sometimes life sure seems to get the better of me and as we all know, when the mama isn't up to snuff, nothing seems to go according to plan.
We missed baby Friday - sorry to all of you, our faithful followers. We were in Midway with Ross and then I got lost coming home and then we went to 5 guys with grandma and Haley and willie and then we walked through model homes and then we were really tired but wouldn't take naps and then we were supposed to go to Grandma P's 75th birthday party and then...
oh goodness, that just didn't work. Elliott was sick and as usual, I was too dumb to realize that's why he'd been crying for hours. I thought he was just being a stinker because he didn't want to wear a golf shirt, but once we got him to an insta care and ruled out ear infections the verdict came in - strep throat. As soon as we were done at the doctor the crying stopped - it seems that my boy was trying to send me a message. I don't know why I never think he's sick - I just need to be better at paying attention.
Saturday was a long one, too. Once my tearful meltdown in the morning was over, Ross and Elliott ran errands all day and I went to the most awful little league football game I've ever been to. I'm working on a whole new post titled "sports builds character" that will be debuting shortly, but lets say it wasn't a good afternoon.
Then yesterday we didn't go to church (awesome) and all had naps because we were tired and worn out....Only one problem - my nap, as good as it was, seemed to have ruined all chances of going to sleep last night - I didn't finally get some much needed shut-eye until 5:30 this morning. Can you say tired? Um, yeah, tired.
This morning during my break between work sessions we went to run some errands - my car needs to be inspected by tomorrow so Elliott and I took it in - it was rejected. CRAP! The brake lights are messed up. Not sure how to fix them. Then we went to get my new glasses - they weren't at the right office so we traveled the valley looking for my glasses. When we finally found them they didn't have the right case. I don't care and after minutes upon minutes of waiting for them to track one down I just took a pink plastic case and left. Halfway home when Elliott started melting in the back seat after he threw his pacifier on the floor of the car I realized that we left his blanket at the eye doctor's office. Crap, again!
And, we have a tv addiction. How do you break a 20 month old of his tv habit when it appears he has a sense of entitlement to watch the televizzle and he cries when blues clues ends? It's a struggle here for sure.
Anyway, that's enough right? Today is a good day. In spite of everything, we're doing really well. And, Elliott didn't spit all his medicine out onto me and into his eye. That's pretty good.
Look at this pretty picture of my snap dragons.
both your pictures and your wood floors are gorgeous!
What a good boy!
I love 5 guys. I think it's the closest to In and Out we can get in Utah. I must admit that we are all addicted to the tele over here. Only educational of course...;)
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