The Squirt turned three months old on the 12th and I'm just getting around to his big post today. Sorry little guy.
I'm not even sure where to begin talking about such a special and happy little baby. Everyone who meets my Squirt tells me how good he is, how cute he is, how cuddly he is. People always want to hold him and talk to him. Maybe that's because they are almost certain that he'll talk back.
This boy can definitely turn on the charm, smile on cue, and giggle until everyone else in the room is laughing along with him. He is ticklish on those super chubby legs of his and right under his chin. He's trying to sit up all on his own and just gets bigger and bigger every single day.
The Squirt is a creature of routine and habit. He sleeps hardly at all during the day - not so much by choice as by life. With a big brother like he's got around, he really doesn't stand a chance to get any peace and quiet. At night time he sleeps like a champ though, putting himself to sleep to Beethoven and Mozart around 9:00 and sleeping until 6:00 in the morning without fail.
Heaven on Earth I tell you.
At three months old, he's wearing 9 month clothes and they are starting to get a bit snug. Aunt Haley did the scale trick today and this kid of mine came in right around 18 pounds. He's truly growing like a weed, drinking 8 oz bottles and patiently waiting pediatrician permission for some cereal, fruit, and french fries.
Today we went to the aquarium and this little guy was not content to ride in a stroller. Oh no, he wanted to look at and talk to all the fish. They got him excited and he kicked and laughed and yelled.
Sweet baby, you are prone to nick names, as I'm sure most second children are. You are Squirt, Buddy, Wittle Bruder, Fred, and Elliott calls you his little chickermunker. And for some reason, when we do use your name, it's always in double form. You are never Wyatt it's always Wyatt Wyatt.
You love to talk to ceiling fans and the angels who come to check on you every day and your best friend is your big brother - that crazy monkey who lives in our house. You could stare and laugh at him for hours, even if he pokes you in the face and nearly squashes you like a bug on the bed, when we're just hanging out after bath time.
Every morning you pee on me in the bathtub and last Sunday you had your first diaper explosion...on Grandpa. Glad it wasn't me, even though I had to clean it up.
Your bright eyes, even temperament, infectious laughter, and snuggle bug nature have endeared you to me forever. I love your smile, the fact that you keep your fists tight when drinking a bottle, watching you play with blankets, and that you know a bink isn't going to solve your problems.
Every day with you little buddy is new and exciting - and I can hardly wait to see what the next day will bring.
Hopefully one of those things is less puke.
Could you work on that?
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