I've had babies on my mind a lot this week. My cousin Maddie had a baby boy after 30 hours of madness. My sister is having a baby in a few short weeks and I get to be the Auntie to a GIRL! A good friend of mine is planning a home birth in her bathtub at the end of June.
I've got two babies who I love very much. I have to be honest that most of the time, I feel like I'm losing my mind and my ability to think at the end of every day with them because it's so much work to take care of two busy little boys. They exhaust me, in a good way. I worry about them constantly, desire to educate and protect them, and sometimes just wish I could have a nap at the same time.
It's interesting how babies get to families. Some come in a traditional, modern manner and some come like the pioneers did it. Some come to families from different birth moms and some enter the word surgically like mine.
Babies get here in lots of ways, but isn't it amazing how much we love them? No matter what the method of entry into our lives, from the second eye contact is made with a sweet little person, it's love at first sight for all those around. I read once that animal babies are "so cute" because that's the only way humans would take care of them. You know, keep them from becoming extinct, that sort of thing. I guess human babies are the same way - they are just SO CUTE that even if they scream at us all night long, when we wake up in the morning it's a new day with a new beginning.
I think it's the "new beginning" part that gets me through each day. Knowing that we get to start over and smile and play (and whine and cry).
Saturday update:
Yesterday afternoon Elliott was playing basketball with his Uncle Willie outside and it was a bit cold. I had him come to me so I could put on his jacket. While sticking in his arms he looked up at me and said, "Thanks, Mom. Thanks for worrying for me."
That my friends, made my day.
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