Friday, May 28, 2010

Ode to a working mom

Shavy Jones opens tomorrow, May 29
I work.

Part-time from home with VERY flexible hours.

I work because I want to; because the extra money is nice and I enjoy padding the savings account and college funds.  Every once and a while before going to bed Ross and I have late night discussions about my job, why I think I might want to quit, and why I can't quit.  Basically I get paid too well for what I do and I love keeping my foot in the door of education.  It's my career and my passion (sort of) and I just couldn't really deal with not being involved.

That being said - part-time is my thing.  The set-up I've got now really works for me, my kids, and my family.  We've got a good rhythm and flow these days and even though it's hard, I manage to keep our life raft a float in varied waters.

This past week I had to attend two full days of meetings for work.  I pulled two 8 hour days - with a one hour commute each way.  That's 10 hours of work on a day when I'd normally work 4.  Arranging child care, getting myself up (only with the help of my early rising husband), getting the kids stuff ready, writing page long notes about schedules and preschool, finding something to wear that doesn't involve stretchy pants, combing my hair, putting on make-up, driving on the freeway and turning my brain on for 10 full hours a day.

Holy freaking cow was that hard to do.  Staying focused on work discussions instead of what my kids were doing, what they were eating, and whether or not they missed me was an immense challenge.  Keeping my energy up to play and be fun, still trying to fix dinner and exercise at night and meet all of my other commitments (laundry, vacuuming, making beds and all that jazz) just about completely wore me out.

I had a nap today.

Seriously.  A nap.  I got the boys to sleep and sat down to work and I just couldn't hack it.

My mom worked (still works) my whole childhood.  My aunts work.  My sister will start work again in the fall (what good timing for a math teacher to have a baby in the middle of May).

I.  DON'T.  KNOW.  HOW.  THEY.  DO.  IT.

It is a strong and noble woman to raise a family and have a job and get done all there is to get done.

I suppose if I had to, I could do it.  Be supermom and wonder woman all at the same time and still pick the kids up from school on time and do the Valentines day party.  I'm very lucky that I don't have to.  That I have a life that lets me be with my nutty and funny and really great kids and still be connected to the outside world.

For that, I am truly grateful.

And to all you moms out there in the workforce each day.

You totally rock.

And make me really, really tired.

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