Regardless, I'm pretty sure that the boys had a good day yesterday. There was a parade at school, a visit to grandma's house, and wandering around the neighborhood as a monkey and a penguin. And, we suffered the same fate that I'm sure most households with kids under the age of seven suffered last night - the 8:30 pm sugar induced meltdown that could probably defeat Godzilla.
Yeah - it was awesome.
And because I have nothing left to say except that before I went to bed last night I turned the calendar to November, just to move things along....and because it SNOWED this morning while we were watching Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving I'll just share with you a bunch of pictures of my goofy kids.
Waiting for the parade to start
Wandering through a narrow hallway surrounded by strange adults with cameras.
All our pumpkins. Nothing got carved because we didn't have time on Monday and Elliott spent all of Sunday throwing up.
Gratuitous porch picture.
Let the crazy begin!
Wandering the neighborhood
There are more pictures on flickr if you are interested in cross-eyed monkeys, passing out treats, or pumpkins in jars. Just click on any of the photos in the post to see the rest.
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