Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Welcome little Jack!

I'm pretty sure when my sister woke up this morning, on the third to last day of school, she didn't expect that by the end of lunch time, she'd have a baby.  But, stranger things have happened.  Can't say that I'd be too interested in having my water break on the job and have to figure out how to get out of work as undetected as possible, but my sister is tough like that.

She's actually super tough.

Hangin' tough.

And she has beautiful children.  Children that I love very much.

We love you little Jack.

Little Jackie jackā€¦giving his auntie a heart attack!  Because he's so stinking cute. Ahhh love him.




1 comment:

Emily said...

He is beautiful. Go Haley! I had a feeling that he would come early and unexpected.


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