Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Summer Vacation, Week Two

Well, this week was pretty jam packed with stuff, too even though right now, as I am sitting here to write about it, I cannot remember much of the week.  Rats!  Let's see, what did we do.

We went swimming at great grandpa's on Monday during the day and on Friday night.  On Monday, I didn't wear any sun screen, except on my face, as per usual, and paid for it.  I sort of wish my skin always had that glow of a bright pink sunburn.  I also sometimes wish that I could wear clothes that showed it off a little but alas - neither is possible.  But, we had fun swimming and perhaps the best part, is that everyone came home so exhausted that we just got to spend the rest of the day hanging out in the air conditioned house chillaxin and relaxin.

I may have been at the pool too long today.  #nosunscreenonmyshoulders #onlyonmyface #dontwantwrinkles #prettyinpink

On Tuesday, the boys and I hung out at home during the day, did swimming lessons in the afternoon and then the big boys had a sleep over at Ross' parents house on Tuesday night.  It was a little strange to wake up on a Wednesday morning with only one kid at home, but Quinn and I made do with our quiet morning at home and a nice walk to the 7-11 for a Slurpee and a coke before the boys got home.

You'd never know from the pictures  that boy one and boy two just finisbed being in the most trouble they been in, in over a week. #whenbrothersattack #nuts

Wednesday was play with friends day and the big boys each spent the day hanging out with their best buddies - Wyatt with AJ and Elliott with Owen.  Owen ended up spending the whole evening at our house to avoid going to his older brother's baseball game and ate dinner with us, too.  Made Elliott's day and luckily, Owen is pretty much the best kid around so it's pretty easy to have him hang out.

My boys and me....a little blurry at the bean museum in poovo

Thursday was a pretty long, fun, sweaty, mildly annoying and disastrous day but in the end it all worked out.  We headed down south to Provo on a cousin adventure to the Bean Museum at BYU to see us some taxidermy animals  It was cool and the boys had fun.  When they weren't fighting and yelling and screaming and attacking each other.  Then we got lunch.  Then we headed home and I had a major mom melt down yelling and screaming at my children in the car.  Sometimes I just can't handle boys.  This was one of those times.  I'd just had enough and I was done and forbade them from making any noise until we got home.  They made it to Lehi before it all started again.  But, I got my Karmic retribution on the way home when my oil light came on, my brakes started squeaking and a huge tanker semi shot a giant rock at me and cracked my windshield with a foot long crack.  Blah!  It wasn't our best day, but we tried hard to have fun.

Friday was grandma camp and the big boys spend the day with my mom - they went to a movie with grandma and molly, ran some errands and hung out until dinner time.  Quinn and I came home, Quinn had a nap and my visiting teachers came, then we ate a late lunch, got gas, got the oil changed, went to the grocery store, and headed out to great grandpas' for a night of dinner and swimming.

It' was a pretty good week two of summer.  And another exhausting one at that.

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