Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ross started a new job

Hmm. . .do I smell a new job? Why yes, yes I do. It's official. Ross is definately a "mover and shaker" in the business world and started a new Job on Monday with American Express. He is definately loving every minute of his first few days on the job. He is nearly, dare I say, giddy with excitement, about the prospects of a new work environment, shorter hours, and the fact that they are going to purchase him a palm pilot and order him business cards. He truly can hardly contain his excitement. The best part? Ross is getting home at a reasonable time. He often worked very late nights with his previous employer and the last two days has not only beat me home, but beat me quite handily as well. This means that he has more time to fix me dinner and watch baseball playoffs uninterrupted, I guess.

Or, maybe just leisurly lounge laying on a lawn (how about that for illiteration!). Regarldess, he seems happy and happy is always good. Right?

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