Thursday, May 18, 2006

A blog about nothing

Here's the million dollar question. Okay, maybe not a million dollars, and maybe not even a question per se, but it is definately something worth thinking about. There are a lot of people out in the world right now with blogs. I read a statistic the 70,000 blogs are created/updated every single day around the world. Knowing this, and realizing that I have been a pretty faithful blogger now since September 2005 this is what has come to much of my life and my thoughts should I put in my blog? Do I keep it "sterile", somewhat sarcastic and whitty (at least I think I'm whitty), some might even say boring and safe for the sake of privacy and meeting the generic needs of the people who read my blog...mostly family and friends if they even read it, OR do I dare to be bold and say what I really feel and think about the world and my role in it risking the chance that I'll be offensive, rude, or unsettling to the same people I try to play it safe for?

I know that some of the teachers who take my classes read my blog, as well as some of the gals in my book club, my family, a few friends (yes, I think I have a few) and even some co-workers. So, where do I draw the line?

Jared and I were having this discussion at the end of the work day today and I have continued to think about it. I view my blog as Jared put it, sort of "sienfeldian" in nature: meaning that I like writing about nothing, the goofy stuff that I see and encounter on a daily basis as well as posting some of the pictures I take while I am out and about adventuring in my community and the world at large. Am I afraid to really write my true feelings? I think so. Do I want to write about politics, why Wal-Mart and the people who shop there are all that is bad in the world, and starving kids in Africa? Not really. I think about those things, but I'm not sure I am brave enought to tell the Internet what I really think about it all.

So, after a good deal of thought on the matter, I think I'll remain bland. I like bland....non-confrontaional is a good way to exsist, for the most part. If Sienfeld was successful for years as a show about nothing, then maybe I can continue to be a blog about nothing and be happy with it. For the time being then, I'll keep my thoughts on mini-vans, coupons, people who laugh like Mozart in the movie Amadeus with that horsey-whiney sort of laugh, children who use my yard as their unsupervised playground and people who insist on reclining their chairs on airplanes and squishing me to a point where I think I am going to scream and claw my eye balls out to myself. I've got to keep it mysterious, right?

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