the beauty and smell of lilac
Babies that smile
hydrangeas that grow back, especially when you left them for dead
skyping with Craig and Christina on Sunday afternoon's and stories about invading sewer rats
This mamma business is much harder than I was prepared for. Looking at the monkey's face, I'm sure it's hard to believe that he is hard to take care of, but trust me, he is. The little guy is too smart and alert for his own good. I read online the other day that 3 months old are still supposed to sleep for 16-18 hours a day. If that is the case, then why does mine only sleep, like 8? And what am I supposed to do with him all the hours during the day he is awake and demanding entertainment, enlightenment, and challenge? He must be talked too, cooed at, bounced, and played with at all times. If I don't have the right toy, he tells me. If I play the wrong song in the pod, he lets me know. I'm running out of energy and ideas. And sometimes I MUST use the bathroom! I must.
I love the monkey more than I ever thought possible. He makes me so tired though, that sometimes I might lose my mind. That's okay isn't it, the mind losing part? As long as I loose it only occasionally when there is another responsible adult around?
At least he sleeps through the night, right? And wakes up so happy we can hardly stand all his chubby, squishy-ness!
My mom told me the other day that I need to develop more patience. She's right, I do. But, Monkey needs to develop his ability to verbalize what he wants. In time, he will. Every day he looks like he is just going to talk to me. The day he does will be great. The thought I had yesterday was that, I need to develop my patience, but monkey is the most patient thing in the world. He has to wait for me to figure out what he wants. That sometimes takes hours, and days...he's the patient one.
I'm glad that he can teach me.
This is week 6 of the work from home experiment. So far, it is working. I am confident that I get more accomplished in my 4 hours a day than I ever did in 8 hours at the office. For the most part, I am much more focused and content to sit down at work. Even though I'm home, the house stuff doesn't distract me and I can just work.
However, my work environment could use a little help. Not sure if you can tell anything about a person by the status of their office, but it definitely seems like my office space is telling a lot about how my life in general is treating me at the moment. Or, how I am treating my life might be more appropriate.
Though life is good, it feels a little bit out of control. Maybe that's because I don't feel good, or because Monkey never takes naps during the day, or because I feel like my mind is spiraling out of control. Whatever the reason, it's getting hard to work out of my piles of stuff and off of two computers. You see, my work computer sucketh and I only use it for e-mail. Not sure that I should have to do my work on my personal PC, but it's okay. I like the monitor and keyboard better anyway.
So, if all those shows like "clean sweep" and "clean house" are true, by cleaning up and organizing my office I can excise my demons and be free from mess, right? Okay. As soon as the IKEA opens, and the people who are camping out have gone home, I'll tackle the office. Until then, if you need me, I'm probably buried in her, somewhere.
Among the many nice gifts Ross gave me for our anniversary, he gave me these. They are divine.
(Wedding Day, 2003)
Today is our wedding anniversary. What are we doing to celebrate? Nothing. We are going to eat breakfast for dinner (Ross bought a ham steak, how exciting!) and do the same thing we do every night...hang out in different rooms. Ross will watch Elliott while I work.
A little history...we first met each other on January 27, 2002 and Ross took me to his ice rink. It was a Sunday and my mom had not met him yet(neither had I, though I had seen him on tv) and was nervous about me going out on a Sunday with a strange boy. I think she told me to make sure he didn't kill me or something like that. He was at the time working for the SLC Olympics and managing the Peaks Ice Arena. We then went out with each other the next night, to the Utah/BYwoo game with my dad. I wasn't sure Ross was going to show up as I stood outside the Huntsman center, but he did. He was very quiet that game. He must have wanted to make a good impression, pretending not to be the Zoobie that we have all come to know and love.
So, in 4 years (technically 5), we don't seem to be too much worse for the wear. We have good jobs, a house, a baby, an extra 20-30 lbs each, and a pretty good life. We always seem to send up like Jerry Sienfeld on that one episolde of the show where he is always even steven.
I'm pretty sure we still like each other, dare I say we even love each other (most of the time anyway, right Ross?)
Happy Anniversary!
(March, 2007)
Once again, found a very brightly colored house in the neighborhood. The photograph just doesn't do it justice.
What are some of your sweet skills?