- baby bouncing skills
- dinner cooking skills
- cookie baking skills
- bed making skills
- picture taking skills
- bottle holding skills
- poopy diaper changing skills
- flower planting skills
- book reading skills
- i-pod listening skills
- baby bathing skills
- whining skills
- being bossy skills
- eating chocolate skills
- working from home skills
- playing on the Internet skills
- checking blood sugar while holding a crying baby skills
- getting the mail while holding a crying baby skills
- blowing nose while holding a crying baby skills
- weed pulling skills
- stroller pushing skills
- leg bouncing skills (Ross thinks I have RLS)
- breathing skills
- fantasy baseball hating skills
What are some of your sweet skills?
I know I have restless legs. It is the most crazy thing. Trying to sleep and your legs want to go run a marathon.
Wow, you do have some pretty sweet skills there. Fantasy baseball hating skills? Lucky!
You forgot "great friend skills". Thanks for everything Annie.
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