The evening last night spanned three generations. We went to a concert with some friends (thanks for going Jared and Tara) and some family - my dad, my sister and her husband, and my brother. We saw the Police. I've always dreamed of seeing the Police in concert. If I had a list of, like, top 100 things to do before I'm old and crotchety, last night was one of them.
I've seen Gordon Sumner, including last night, 5 times - 4 of which have been with my dad, which is cool. Last night, we introduced "baby bwuder" to the Stinger and so much more.
The crowd, as with most concert crowds, pretty tame, a bit cooky and diverse and shirtless...
and with most outdoor venues - very drunk! I can deal with drunk, don't care if you're drunk, but please, PLEASE...don't touch me when you're drunk, stand too close behind me all sweaty after you've taken your shirt off drunk, and throw your empty cup at me drunk. Also, after you've been toking up on your favorite illegal substance, please don't run up behind me, touch me on the shoulder, and then run away laughing. Also, don't break dance. Drunk and stoned, plus some wicked spinning moves just makes for a dangerous cocktail.
And, if you're my dad's neighbor, you probably shouldn't get so drunk that you have to be escorted out of the concert by THREE security guards because you can't walk. But, we'll save that story for another day.
There were some groovy dancers (sorry the video is sideways...anyone know how to rotate an .avi file for free?)
And oh yeah - the band! We skipped the opening act and, to just speak for myself, had a wicked awesome time. The Police still have it - even if "it" is a tad arthritic and a bit slower that it probably used to be. They sang some classics, let the crowd sing along, and put on a great show. After one and a half encores however, it was time to hit the road and head for home.
We had fun. Willie was a bit tired after a week of scout camp, but he soldiered on like a real trooper - even when we walked for miles after the show to find our ride home.
I love the Stinger, by the way. He's the same age as my dad, and he still rocks! I think that he was wearing a leotard, or maybe some sort of giant body sock to prevent blood clots, but whatever.
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