Every time I ask my Monkey how old he is, he holds up both of his hands and says, "FOUR!" I guess if he wants to be four years old, that's his decision. For me? He's two.
We've come a long way in the last year. He's outgrown clothes, the high chair, and riding in shopping carts. He walks, talks, watches movies, and loves to dance. Yesterday we were listening to the radio and the Journey song, "Don't stop Believing" came on and oh boy, did my kid light up the dance floor. Even if the dance floor was in my bedroom between the bed and the dresser.
I am amazed by him every day. He is so smart and knows hundreds of words. Every morning we have the same routine. I greet him with as boisterous of a "Good Morning Baby Boy" as i can muster and he returns the favor, with open arms and yells at me, "Come here!" so he can get his morning hug.
For the first time in his two years of life, I am at a loss for words. It's beyond me how to explain how much this little monkey has changed my life, how much I love being his mama, and what a joy he is to everyone he meets. Those eyes, eyelashes, belly laughs, and crazy ideas are just the best things to be a part of every day.
His boundless energy saps my will to live on many days, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Whether dancing, playing with trains, pinching my bum (it's a new thing...he'll out grow it, right?) or learning how to catch, this kids enthusiasm for life is contagious.
At two years old, this boy of mine weighs 30 lbs and is just over 37 inches tall. He is an eating machine and loves nearly everything place in front of him. He loves hot dogs and pizza, frozen blue berries and popcorn most of all. He probably watches too much tv, but who can deny such a boy his Mowgli, jellyfish, or flick and dot?
Today, he gets an afternoon of fun. We're taking him to lunch and the aquarium to see jelly fish. Then tonight it's a party with most of the people he loves the most.
As I look forward to year number three I can hardly wait for all the excitement. More talking and activities, travel adventures, swimming lessons, play dates, and watching him become a big brother will just melt my heart I'm sure.
My mom tells me all the time how lucky I am to be the mom to such a good boy.
She's right.
I am lucky.
Happy Birthday wittle boy. I love you! - Aunty Haley
Happy Birthday from the Briggs family! I'd also like to wish mom a happy having survived childbirth day, that in itself is a celebration!
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