Thursday, November 02, 2006

Weight is all relative, right?

How much weight did you gain in the last five months? Me? 10 pounds.

How much weight did you gain in the last four weeks? Me? 9 pounds.

Just goes to show what a giant baby (Who, after yesterday's doctors appointment, is predicted to very big and arriving around the middle of January), a 1000 a day increase in calories (per the request of the Diabetes Center because I wasn't eating enough or gaining enough weight for them), and a completely famished girl who no longer cares about body image (well, cares but can't do a whole lot about it at the moment) can do for weight gain.

How long can being very tall hide the fact that you are becoming very fat?


Lindsey Montague said...

I'll say it again: give in to the maternity clothes. Then you won't have to worry about the XL's and XXL's in regular stuff and get depressed. Plus they are made to show off the fact that you are "getting fat" for a good reason. I have noticed that they aren't too frilly these days. Just buy one shirt and you'll see...

.::still blinking::. said...

I don't remember exactly this situation, but it seems like I was doing really well during the pregnancy and had gained something like 4 pounds the first 4 months or something like that. The next time I went in for the 5 month appointment it seems that I had gained like 16. I think that I gained about 45 during the entire pregnancy. I remember having 16 weeks left and having gained all the weight that I was supposed to. Don't worry about it, it goes away, quicker than you think it will. Also, I gained all my weight in my butt and thighs. I never grew out of the stomach of stuff, but I had a hard time getting my fat legs into pregnancy pants.

It all goes away eventually and they day after the baby is born you will have lost like 12 pounds. And your ankles are the first thing to get skinny again.


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