No trip in our family is complete without a few hiccups along the way. Usually, those hiccups are caused by me, and relate directly to me, but sometimes other things happen that make us laugh, or panic, or both.
Here is a run down of the Arizona trip "highlights".
Leaving dinner on Friday night Quinn fell off of a very tall curb and skinned his knee up pretty bad. He cried so hard that once Ross got him in the car, he was so worn out he fell asleep in about 30 seconds. It was a pretty bad crash.
On Saturday morning, it was raining pretty hard. We'd planned to go to the zoo, but the rain made us second guess ourselves and we decided to go to a small aquarium in the mall. It opened at 10 am, we stood in a long line and once we got to the front, realized that the line was for people who had passes or who had already purchased tickets. Doh! Of course, there were no signs indicating differences in the lines, and, once we got to the back of the "need tickets" line we decided to give up and just go to the zoo in the rain.
Lucky for us, the 2 hours we were at the zoo, it didn't rain. I still spent $12 on ponchos for the kids, but no rain. We did however have a couple of adventures at the zoo. Adventure 1: we were chased by a very fast, very vocal, very crazy road runner. It was roaming free in it's enclosure and it gave us a run for our money, and plenty of giggles. Adventure 2: My blood sugar started to drop pretty rapidly when we were about finished - joy of diabetes - and just as I put a glucose table in my mouth, Wyatt came around the corner, excited to tell me there was a whole cage of Scarlet Ibis - my favorite bird. Well, in my attempt to be excited about the birds, I inhaled my chalky tropical fruit glucose tablet and it got stuck in my throat. I could not breath. I was chocking. For a good 30 seconds, I thought that I might suffocate and die. Once I could breathe again, my throat was on fire and hurt for the rest of the day.
Saturday night we had tickets for the Arizona Coyotes NHL hockey game against the San Jose Sharks. The game was supposed to start at 6 pm, but the first 10,000 people were going to get a FREE bobble head of a former player because the team was celebrating it's 20th anniversary. We arrived one hour early, to get our FREE bobble heads and then had to sit there, with the five other people who came early for an hour before the game was going to start. The big boys really liked the hockey game, but Quinn? We were there so early that he fell asleep right after the National Anthem and slept almost through the first halftime. By the way, hockey games take forever. Ross said they were fast, they are not fast. 20 minutes of play, 20 minutes of half time, 20 minutes of play, 18 minutes of half time, 20 minutes of play. We didn't make it for the last 20 minutes because, hello! We arrived so early. But, it was still fun.
On Sunday, we drove up north to the towns of Cottonwood and Prescott Valley. Driving to Ross' parents house in PV, we were following a route outlined by google maps. Well, that route came to a dirt road. We paused momentarily to see if Google was serious. She was. (can google be a girl?) I told Ross that I thought it was a bad idea to drive on a very wet and very muddy dirt road. He, being the man, told me we would be fine. We maybe drove a quarter of a mile before it got really wet. I began to plead for us to turn around. We continued a bit more until - yes, you guessed it -we were halfway in a muddy ditch. Yeah! I felt justified in my "I told you so moment" but that didn't change the fact that we were stuck in the mud.
Ross got out of the rented mini van. I climbed over to the driver's seat. He pushed. I floored it. After a few intense minutes, and let's face it, many silent prayers on my part, we got out of the ditch. But then, because I was driving, I had to do a u turn, on the slippery muddy road and drive us off that road. Where was Ross you ask? Well, his head, arms, and torso were inside the van. His butt, legs and lower half were hanging out the window. He was a wee bit muddy once we got back to the road and switched seats. Sometimes, Google leads you astray.
The biggest screw up however was on my part. Sunday night, while eating dinner with Ross' parents, I realized that I'd left ALL MY INSULIN in the fridge in our airbnb apartment in Phoenix. Swear words! I had 60 units left in my pump, enough to get me until the morning and I was panicking. Everyone was calling or texting people who could either write me an emergency prescription or help me solve the problem. Finally, Ross was able to talk to the small town PV Walgreens pharmacist and he was sure that they could get my prescription transferred in the morning so I could get enough insulin to get home.
It was.
I did.
The end.
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