Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Elliott is 12

MK Howden_ Annie 10.20.18-46

Holy Moly!

Elliott, you are TWELVE!  The other day I asked if you wanted to hear the story of the day you were born.  You didn't.  I told you anyway.

At least I told you what I could remember.

You are such a good boy.  You are smart and funny.  You are kind to your brothers (most of the time) and you love babies - especially cousin Brady.

You are getting taller and more grown-up every day.  There have of course, been some bumps along the way in the last year as you  test your boundaries a bit, but those bumps make you a better kid and hopefully make me a better mom.

I love you kiddo.  Your random science facts make my dad.  Watching you turn into your dad is a little strange at times, but pretty fun, too.  You do your best at everything you try, are becoming an excellent soccer player and have inspired me to read more books this year - I cannot believe how much you read.

Driving you anywhere, or getting you to go on a walk with me are my favorite times of day.  That seems to be when you are interested in talking to me the most and I am and will always be a willing listener.

The last year we had some major sadness with Grandpa Huber, Aunt Geneil and Grandpa Ted passing away.  I am so proud that you can show your emotions at all extremes.  That you can mourn with those that mourn and find joy with those that are joyful.  Watching you navigate all those emotions is such an interesting experience for's gut wrenching and exciting all at the same time.  Just one more sign that you are growing up.

Honestly, I wasn't sure you and I would ever survive colic, the terrible two's, torturing Wyatt, all those little kid things.  But, not only did we survive, we seem to be thriving these days.  Hooray. 

You have junior high orientation on your birthday.  What a way to celebrate with a mega school milestone on a mega birthday milestone.  You are so ready to grow up.  I am so ready to let you!  You are a bright star kiddo and I hope I can always help you shine.

Happy Birthday!

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