Thursday, March 21, 2019

the last kindergarten zoo field trip

Quinn has had a great year so far in Kindergarten.  He's pretty much the star of his class and his teacher, Mrs. Woolf loves him.  She says that in all her years of teaching he is one of the best behaved kids she's ever taught and that his fine motor skills are off the chart.

Anyway, today was the kindergarten zoo field trip.  Quinn rode the bus with his friends and I met the group at the zoo with all the other moms and families.  All week, the weather has been pretty good but of course, today, it sucked.  Rainy and wintery and COLD.

Quinn and I did the fastest tour of the zoo ever and we were frozen solid at the end.  I was pretty proud of myself for bringing him an extra jacket to put on, otherwise, he may have really turned into a popsicle.


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