Friday, September 30, 2005

Grandpa's Movie

In August, I made a little movie about Grandpa Huber as an exhibit example for the South Jordan History Center Committee. I am part of the committee and needed to show them a creative and free way to display old photographs and tell the stories of South Jordan. Grandpa did not grow up in South Jordan, but his cousin and an old neigbor are on the committee with me and they were happy to see the pictures and quite shocked to find out that I was the grandaughter! I really liked the little movie I made so I've decided to share it here, on the blog for all to see. I know that some of my facts are skewed (that's what happens when I go from memory and don't ask my mom questions) but the story is still a good one. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a fun piece of history. Good job Annie!! BTW - great song, who is the artist?


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