Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I thought it was funny

Not sure if having them paint the frames was the best idea but it did kill 40 minutes.

We're thinking about toilet training the Chick.  It's not something that I'm ready to tackle and not something I think he's ready for mentally.  Why do I think this?  Because the conversation usually goes this way:

Mama:  Wyatt, do you want to go pee-pee in the toilet?
Wyatt:  No!
Mama:  Why not?  Big boys go pee in the toilet.
Wyatt:  No sanks.  I like to pee in my pants.

Or like this:
Mama:  Hey Wyatt, are you ready to wear Phineas and Ferb big boy pants and use the toilet?
Wyatt:  Not today.
Mama:  Okay, when?
Wyatt:  How about in 7 days, like next Tuesday?

Then the other boy?  The older one who is super observant, he makes us laugh.  Last night we were getting ready to watch our Dad FREAK OUT while the BYU Cougars tried to lose a basketball game. Before the game started, the commentators were doing a BYU video flash back to when Danny Ainge was on the team and did this super cool full court dribble layup thing to win a game.

Elliott turned to his dad and said, "Dad, why aren't those basketball guys wearing shorts?"

Apparently the shorts of 25 years ago were so short, my son couldn't tell that they were even on.

1 comment:

Annie said...

testing comments.


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