Thursday, October 26, 2006

E-mail Conversation (from yesterday)

Me: I forgot to tell you, but he is starting to "wake-up" around 3:30 in the morning and guess what, that is when I wake-up, too.
Him: I wonder why he wakes up at 3:30am. That is sort of interesting.
Me: I don't know why he wakes up at 3:30 but I've got a good feeling that he'll do it on the outside to. Something good to remember, right?
Him: He will be an early riser - morning person like his father.
Me: You just called yourself a father. Was that weird?
Him: I was hesitant to type it. Babies having babies.


.::still blinking::. said...

We were over at our neighbors a little while ago and they were telling their kids to go get in bed. Their little girls were like, "No!" It hit me how I don't consider anyone a parent really. We are big kids yelling at little kids.

Annie said...

I think that there is a lot of truth to that statement. If that is the case, then do we really ever get to be adults?

Lindsey Montague said...

Dan and I talk about that subject lots. What is the actual definition of "adult?" We don't know one, so we don't really feel the need to act like one.

PS. I have tried 2x to come by when I see your car, but I think you are sleeping or something. Maybe cause you have a little guy affecting your night?


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