Monday, October 23, 2006

Why do these situations always happen to me?

Let me preface this entry with the fact that I am not obsessed with bathroom incidents or humor, but it seems like, no matter where I am at, or what country I am in, I encounter strange goings on in public restrooms. Thus, today's story.

There is a woman in my building at work that has nasty public restroom habits. How do I know this? Well, we seem to be on the same time schedule and 6 out of 10 times I go to use the bathroom, she is coming out or heading in. I've become familiar with her patterns and she, to put it nicely, doesn't hold back and does not courtesy flush...ever! (Sorry mom for being gross!)
So, as my class ended today I headed in a desperation sprint to the restroom. As I walked in, I knew that she was there because of three distinct clues: 1) odor, 2) orthopedic shoes, 3) voice. Voice you ask? Yes, she was talking on her cell phone whilst doing her private business. Anywhoo, as I was wrapping up, she continued to talk on her cell phone and apparently ran into a few problems. The conversation I picked up on went something like this..."Did you notice that I cleared out all the [grunting and straining] grrr boxes?" There were a couple further statements of a similar strain (get it?) but I was too overwhelmed to listen. I washed my hands and headed out the door as quickly as possible.

I don't know why these situations happen when I am around but, they do. When will I ever learn?


Bing Math said...

Yuck! Double yuck! I feel so sorry for the person on the other end of the phone. Today, a student set fake poo on another student's desk!

Annie said...

fake poo? HI-LAR-E-US!

tami said...

omg. use another bathroom. on a different floor. or, recommend that she do a commercial for metamucil. hey, at least she's regular. ;) believe it or not, i have randomly come across a lot of blogs with posts about the same thing. too funny!


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