Thursday, September 28, 2006

The voles are back and they're gonna be in trouble

Warning: There is some violence in this post!
To start with, though I am not a semi carnivorous rodent and have not experienced this first hand, Ross and I must have some tasty grass. So tasty in fact that we (well, really just Ross) have been battling it out with voles all summer long. What is a vole, you may ask? Well, this is a vole! Why do they live under the concrete from the sidewalk to my front porch? How am I supposed to know!

We first discovered and started waging war on the voles back in June when not only did we uncover nearly 12 holes lining the edges of the concrete, but we actually saw their chubby bodies and beady little eyes. It almost felt like the whack-a-mole game at Chuck-E-Cheese's because when one poked it's head out of a hole, we ran over and pointed, just to see another head pop out of another hole.

To say that Ross was unhappy with our yard guests was an understatement. First, he just bought poison (decon and anything else he could find at the Home Depot) and then filled and covered the holes. A few days later (remember, this is still in June) the holes were back. This time, Ross used poison and smoke bombs to kill the little suckers! A few days later, the holes were back, again. Then, in true Caddyshack fashion, Ross waged war on the little buggers and put so many smoke bombs down the holes that I couldn't light them fast enough. Once the mini execution chamber under the front walk was completed, Ross ripped up some of the grass and filled in all the tunnels with dirt.

Since that time in June, we had been fairly confident that we, the humans had conquered the voles. We had even learned that the only true way to kill them is either with an exterminator (which we would never pay for, how silly is that?!) or, with propane (Thanks for the info Uncle Brian.). Yes, filling their holes with propane is a way to eliminate them. Apparently, when you smoke bomb or poision, they have little hiding places. Well, they seem to have been using those little nooks and crannies for protection. Ross and I thought they were gone, but to our shagrin... silly humans we are because, voles come back. Last week, we noticed new vole holes. After some mild cursing and stomping about, Ross smoke bombed and covered the holes.

This morning as I was leaving for work I noticed that those holes were still covered, and three new holes had sprung up! Damnit! I called Ross to inform him of the new problem and his only response....Time to go Medieval!

I'm not quite sure what that means, but be afraid, be very afraid!

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