Friday, September 29, 2006


  • I HATE rodents! I know that hate is a strong word but I have FOUR, yes four new voles holes over night! I'ts a downright infestation! Bring out the propane! You know that saying, "a dingo ate my baby"? Well, let's just say that I'm getting a little bit nervous?

  • My neighborhood is so stupid! Ross and I got a letter in the mail, yet again, about our landscaping not yet being finished and threatening heavy fines because our yard isn't done. Why us? Is anyone else getting harassing and threatening letters from Mr. Flippen? Why not bug someone who isn't doing anything with their yard (half the homes on my street, let alone the neighborhood), instead of us! Poo on them! We KNOW that things have to be done by November 1, leave us alone and they will be. Maybe I need to put a flaming bag of vole on the front steps of the HOA offices. Or, maybe I should just move.

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