Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Anniversary

7 years ago today, Ross and I done got hitched.

7 years is a long time. It's no where near the 30's like our parents or the 50's like my grandparents, but 7 is a long time.

In 7 years we've lived in 4 places, had like 5 job changes combined, 2 new cars, 2 kids, and lots of church callings. We've traveled to 4 countries, lots of states and eaten some fantastic food.

7 years also means that I don't have a lot to say....I think that with this dumb old blog, I've managed to say most of it over and over again.

So instead - a few pictures from the last seven years.


James said...

Very nice! Congrats on another year being hitched.

Sir William said...

Very nice --


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