Monday, April 26, 2010

public after private

I've decided that private is stupid.

Yes, I love all 26 of you out there who are approved to read the blog - but it's hard to write for just the 26 of you. Even though you were probably the only 26 reading this dumb thing anyway.

Talking to my mom last night over dessert, she had the thought that once I'm sure the stalker is gone (the stalker went private BTW - 3 days after nothing safe from copying?) I should go public again.

Not a bad idea.....

Also - I've started a new blog - a new public blog about food. One of my favorite things.

Take a look if you're interested. Want to be a contributor? I'm thinking about adding some additional authors so drop me a note in the comments if you might be interested.

1 comment:

Codi said...

I won't ask to be a contributor to the food blog because, well I can't cook! But I can't wait to see what you put on there and if I get brave maybe I'll attempt something.

And public or private, you know I love your blog!


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