Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day

On Sunday, we visited a few graves, mostly just to say hi to my two best ladies, my grandmas.  Whom I miss dearly by the way and while visiting both graves, I shed a few tears.  I was super emotional.  Not sure why.  Probably because I miss them both a lot, lately.

On Monday, we decided to stay home.  Well, we stay home every year with little exception so this year was without exception as well.

And it was really nice.

You see, we aren't home much.  Not as a family of five that is.  There is always one or more of us going somewhere, usually with a bag of gear - baseball gear, work gear, church gear, hi chews, you know what I'm talking about.  So, we decided to have a day at home.

We slept in.

I went to the gym.

Ross did all the yard work (and the yard looks smashing, by the way!)

The boys played legos, rode bikes, blew bubbles, jumped on the trampoline, made rubber band bracelets and didn't play on their kindles or watch the televizzle all day long.

I'd call it a success.

In the evening, we went to visit my grandpa.  The boys were monsters.  I guess they'd had enough of being good.  But by being naughty, they got sent to bed early, so Ross and I ended the night on a quiet note, with our sonic drinks of choice.


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