Monday, February 12, 2007

The outside world

On Saturday, I got to go outside, and venture further than the mailbox. Elliott did too. We went to lunch and Super Target and the little monkey slept the entire afternoon adventure. He seems to like his car seat and the car.

Even more impressive, on Saturday night, I not only got to drive for the first time in 2 weeks, but I drove myself to one of Haley's bridal showers. All of my lovely aunties put on a very nice shower and I was happy to come and get out of the house. Staying home everyday can get a little confining, especially when you are on doctor's orders not to a car...driven by your own person.


Elliott also adventured to Grandma Judy's house on Sunday where, from the moment we walked in the door, he was coo-ed at and held to his hearts contentment. Willie tried his hand at feeding the monkey and Grandma tried her hand at changing a yucky diaper...the contents of which managed to get on Elliott's socks and undershirt, necessitating a wardrobe change.

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It was nice though, for mom and dad (that's Me and Ross) to get a minute without being strapped to the boy. We actually got to sit by each other, both awake and semi alert, on the same piece of furniture. How about that?

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It was nice to get out and about, and the last couple weeks have truly flown by, but it seems that time has caught up with me. I should have known that I felt too good too quickly after Elliott was born. It seems in the last few days, maybe because the monkey doesn't sleep and I'm exhausted, that fatigue, hormonal imbalance, and pain have set in. Not actual pain, but a dull, annoying, life complicating ache has set in. I'm sure it will go away soon, but I definitely have taken the stairs a few too many times.

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