Sunday, February 03, 2008

Snow Day!

the back dor

In my entire life, a few months shy of 30 years, I think that I've only ever been lucky enough to have 1 snow day - a day off of school. In this state, that doesn't happen because we know how to handle snow.

I awoke this morning to a pretty good storm. No where near a blizzard - we just don't get those in UT and I could still see pretty far through the swirling white stuff - but a good storm with giant soft fluffy flakes.

Ross just went out to shovel because it stopped snowing and the sun came out about an hour ago. It's beautiful and bright and very deep. A foot or more perhaps?

Anyway, it wasn't that bad of a storm and most of it will probably melt off by the end of the end of the day, but it was a good storm. Regardless, we got a phone call around 10 am this morning (our church is at 11) telling us that chruch was canceled because of the snow. Are you kidding me? Canceling church because of a snow storm? In Utah? Come on. It's okay though - I really don't mind. I've just never had a snow day for church before.

piles of the white stuff


Codi said...

You're kidding?! We didn't (or haven't yet) got one flake! Enjoy your snow day and snuggle in.

.::still blinking::. said...

The snow was knee deep at my house, waist deep in some place. It took me an hour to shovel just the back drive way. And the piles of snow surrounding my drive way are now up to my shoulders in some parts.

Harried Mom said...

I concur with Makayla, ours was up past the kids heads on the courtyard. Such a strange thing to this South CA girl! A beautiful sight to see.

Michele said...

I hate the snow and I am so done with it. It's funny to hear church cancelled when most members can walk to church. Growing up our church was 20 miles away and I only remember one time church was cancelled, but a handful of times school was cancelled.


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