Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Find me a sister wife

Last night I was home alone while the boys were at the grocery store. I settled down into a rocking chair, with my newest knitting loom hat and checked out what was on demand.

I saw that the new season of "Hoarders" was available and I was stoked. Before that though, I checked to see if that new TLC show, "Sister Wives" was on demand.

It is.

I watched.

Holy cow.

I don't believe in polygamy. Icky to the ick ick. I don't want to share my husband with other women. I don't want to have a herd of offspring. I don't want to live in secrecy and hide from the government and my neighbors. I cannot make my short hair pile that high on my head and I don't look good in gunny sack dresses with therapeutic sneakers.

Polygamy is wrong on so many levels.  It's been a huge hang-up of mine being a Mormon when I was in college.  I just couldn't get over it and even talked to my grandpa about it.  We had a book in my house growing up called, "Brigham Young's Harem".  Yikes, right?

I am however, intrigued by the women on the show and their, "Sisterhood". The idea of a sister wife - someone to share the household duties, help raise my kids, be part of my life, and offer unconditional friendship (at least it looks that way on tv) - now that is appealing.

Being a mom, especially one who stays at home can at times be really isolating. I have some good friends in the neighborhood, a great book club, a wonderful mom and sister who I can talk to via phone, text or e-mail pretty much any time I want.

Wouldn't it be crazy fun (or not) though, to have a gaggle of women around all the time? Just one would be good. She could clean the bathrooms and I would vacuum and cook dinner. We could split the laundry and take turns driving to and from preschool.  I would take the kids for walks around the lake and she could grocery shop.

Or, maybe I just need a nanny and a carpool.


Bing Math said...

You're weird. I am your sister, but I DO NOT want to be your wife. Thank you very much.

Unknown said...

Tara and I are totally hooked on this show. I guess we're curious like everyone else about how this whole thing works. The surprising thing to me is how normal everything looks and how well adjusted the kids are.

BTW - I think Christine is pretty funny. The new wife to be cries too much. Wow, guess I'm a little too into this show....

Erin @ Two More Seconds said...

This is so funny. Especially the part about piling your short hair up like they do! I'll have to find this show - have never seen it!


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