Monday, May 07, 2007

A blessing

Yesterday, Ross blessed Elliott. He did a great job and Elliott was an angel the entire day, even if his outfit was a little reminiscent of an English Prince on christening day. He worked it well.

After the blessing, we had nearly 60 people in our tiny house for a lovely afternoon brunch. The weather was perfect, the kids ran around outside, and as the crowds cleared, nearly all the food was eaten. I hope that everyone got enough to eat and headed to their homes like fat cats ready for a nap in the sun.

The services yesterday (It was fast and testimony meeting) were interesting and Lauren and Natalie did an excellent job documenting the varied testimonies.

Natalie said, "The testimony meeting was really interesting. First you got the nice spiritual ones. We counted like four people that said..."My Name is sis/bro. ________, and we have been in the ward _______ months" Then we got some people confessing in front of the congregation...saying like the haven't been doing very well in their callings or haven't been coming to church. There was one girl who said that she is going away for 7 months and there won't be a church around."

Lauren commented, "On girl got up, and started talking about her brother and all the bad stuff he was doing on weekends. She said that when she saw what she was doing, she was very upset. The question is: what was her brother doing? Then this other girl got up and started asking questions like: Have you ever made someone smile? Have you ever made someones day? She then told a story of some girl in her math class. The two of them have had a really bad relationship. But one day, the testimony girl decided to compliment the other girl. She told the mean girl: "I like your shirt. It's really bright." The mean girl then smiled at the testimony girl, and testimony girl felt that they were beginning to create a strong relationship. We counted about four people who all said in their testimonies that they just moved into the ward. One of the funniest ones was this lady. She was sharing her testimony when all of a sudden she said, "my husband got me an i-pod with "To the music of my life" engraved on the back. Random!"

It was interesting.

Regardless of the meeting, yesterday was a wonderful day. Days like that remind me of just how lucky I am to have the family and life that I do. A theme that came up a lot for me yesterday was "heritage". It was so cool for me to be able to have in my home, for Elliott, 5 great-grandparents, 4 grandparents, and more aunts, uncles and cousins than I could shake a stick at. I love that I have a family that sticks together, supports each other, and brings food to parties! Thanks for all the great food. The older I get (I am pushing 29), the more important it is for me to have my family around, immediate and extended. It blows my mind to think about the possibility of not having my mom, dad, sister, and brother so near not just for me, but for Elliott. I am so happy that he loves his grandma (and she loves him back) and that she seems to be the only one to get him to laugh (I'm working on it though).

Great days are nice. I need to make sure that I have more of them.

My Family B&W

1 comment:

.::still blinking::. said...

I brought some of that stuff up to jj after church and did a little grumbling. When did testimony become tell-imony? or self-righteous-imony?

Ross did a great job and Gentry pointed them out when they got up. He pointed at Ross and said, "There he is."


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