Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pet Peeves

  • Neighbors that live in a rental studio apartment next door who fight with each other, loudly screaming, cursing like sailors in the middle of the night. Son in the studio, I'm sorry that you think so poorly of your father, but is it really necessary to yell and scream and swear at him in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?!*(@$&(@#*& Also, I'm not so sure that the owner of your rental studio knows that you have a golden retriever living with you that howls at the moon all night long. I think I might tell him! And, if you argue again like you were last night, I'm calling the cops. Take that!
  • Waiting at the doctors office. If my appointment is at 9:30 am and I arrive on time, please don't take me back to the room and make me wait 45-50 minutes for you to see me and my little monkey. I don't understand why, if doctor's are in the "customer service" business that they are so poor at customer service.
  • Ipod shuffle. Between us, Ross and I have 4 ipods; 2 mini's and 2 video's. We like to shuffle. Shuffle SUCKS! Why does shuffle only seem to shuffle through the songs you don't want to listen to and the songs you haven't listened to for years? The other day, driving home from my parents (about a 20 min. drive) I shuffled through nearly 90 songs. I never found one I wanted to listen to. Why do I even bother? Because the purpose of shuffle is to give me an eclectic mix of all the music on my pod, right? That's what I want, an eclectic mix. Not a playlist of the neglected stuff. Arg!
  • Stupid kid names. If you want to create a made-up name for your kid, fine. Go for it. Make your kid suffer for the rest of his/her life. If you want to name your kid apple, bunny, fart, ESPN, or heaven, more power to you. Your kid will hate you later. But, if you want to name your kid a "normal" name, a name that has been heard of before, please, for the love of all things good, spell it the right way. Take for instance, the name "Chloe". I encountered a spelling of "Chloe" over the weekend like this: "CLOIE" What is this about? How stupid are you people? And how about this one, Aulora. I'm not eve sure how to pronounce this one.
  • People who use I and Me incorrectly. It's not that hard to get it right. She and I will go to the store; If it were up to ME... It's a very simple rule of grammar to remember. Along the lines of grammar, this one is for mom...people who mix tenses when they write. For example: Your student needs to have X school supplies on the first day. THEY must be prepared. This is SO WRONG! If it is singular the first time (your student) then it must be singular again (He or She must be prepared). Oh the humanity.
  • Dog poop on the sidewalk
  • Bad drivers
  • Overalls, especially on adults. Just stop, please.
  • Dead deer in the road. Where are they all coming from?


Melanie said...

This may be slightly against policy... but I have to share a name that I came across in my work. Dog Dung Du. I'm not making that up and that's how it's spelled. Dog Dung Du. The kid should have been removed JUST on the basis of the parents naming him Dog.

.::still blinking::. said...

I was at the park the other day and as I was leaving a lady walked by with her son. They were each walking a dog. The sons dog squated to do his business, but the oblivious owners yanked the dog along. The dog could not stop it and left a few lovely treasures for everyone on the side walk.

The thing is, the mother saw the dog doing this and said, "Stop! He is pooping!" They let him finish and then they walked on.

I was horrified. We were near the school.

.::still blinking::. said...

About the overalls:

Especially, especially velvet overalls on pregnant women.

Unknown said...

i agree the shuffle feature stinks...i was just whining to nate about it the other day. we only have the one i pod i bought him - the U2 special edition. but somehow mack at 13 has a shuffle AND a nano. and i have none.


Michele said...

Your pet peeves made me laugh. I used to work with a guy who came to work in a white tank top with overalls with one strap on. I remember that being in style..was it the '80s? I would die if I saw a woman wearing velvet overalls. My bigest clothes pet peeve is socks with sandals, espcially birkenstocks or tevas. The point of sandals is not to wear socks! Oh I think I could do a whole post on fashion donts. Oh and I went to the doctor today, waited 15 minutes in the exam room and talked to the doctor for less than 3 minutes before he wrote my perscription and left.


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