Thursday, August 19, 2010

Moving Targets

This week, our nephew Isaac and his mama are in town. We haven't seen his mom - she's been in some classes. We have been able to spend a lot of time with Grandma and Isaac this week though - and have had a lot of fun.

Cousins, in my opinion, are some of the greatest things ever. My kids won't have too many first cousins (one on each side. Miss Molly, we love you, too), but they've got a butt load of second cousins. Even still, first cousins are built in friends. You've always got someone to play with, drive cars with, and just have fun with.

Isaac goes home soon. I'm not sure we'll see him before he goes, but we've had fun.

Hanging out at our house

Visiting the aquarium

and lots of marching and dancing at grandma's house



I thought it was hard to take pictures of my own kids. Add another little boy to the mix and everything is bound to be blurry. I'm pretty sure that means they were having fun.

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