Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Captain Destruction!

Do you remember that cartoon character, Captain Caveman?

I don't remember what show he was part of, something Hannah Barbera.  I do remember that he was a bit wild and crazy, had googly eyes, and always caused more trouble than good.  But, he somehow caught the bad guy in the end.


Well, think, "Captain Caaaavemannnnnnn"  but in our house I think we'll call him "Captain Destruction".

This little Chick of mine has come out of the sickie cocoon of bronchitis full steam ahead.  He's feeling better and as part of feeling better, he seems to feel a sense of vengeance against his older brother, also known as "the one who takes all my toys away".  In the last four days or so, Captain Destruction has learned to turn everything into a weapon to inflict bodily harm, always aiming for his brothers nose.  He has learned to scratch and head butt and bite.

Yes, bite.  I've managed to stop him in his slow motion movie vampire maneuvering, but soon I'll be too slow.  He may draw blood.

So not only has a little aggressive streak made it's way out of his presumably sweet personality, he's also upped the anty when it comes to getting into stuff and wreaking havoc.

He pulls knives out of drawers, cleaner out of cupboards, and tries to eat only things he knows he shouldn't.  Last night, after some parenting mis-communication, I was downstairs and Ross was cleaning one of the boys rooms.  Elliott started yelling for, "Mom, hurry.  Come quick".  I didn't know what he needed.  He was in the tub so I really figured he needed to get out and pee.

Upon entering the bathroom however, Elliott started laughing uncontrollably.  You see, his 15 month old brother was fully dressed, in the tub with him.  Apparently, the Chick can climb into the bathtub.  I didn't know that.  Ross didn't know that.

What a lovely surprise.

We got him out, put him in his own bath and then one thing led to another and I had two naked babies running through my house.  It took all we had as parents to contain the nuditiy and the chaos.

Fast forward to this morning.  I was sitting in captain destruction's room on the floor folding laundry.  Elliott was in the rocking chair watching Olivia.  It's our super hero's habit to wander away, especially when were all in the same place.  He climbs on beds, step stools, and generally makes a mess.

It was too quiet.

He wasn't in Elliott's room.

He was in my bathroom.  Standing on a stool. Using the finger nails on the hand that hasn't been clipped to dig all my blush out of it's container and spill it into the sink.  It was like my make-up had been brutally attacked and the culprit was too dim to leave the scene of the crime.  Probably because he was having too much fun.

Cleaning up his very pink fingers wasn't that fun.

Oh, the joys of mothering boys.


Jared and Kendra said...

Trust, it's not just boys. The girls like to attempt to put in on their face, not just mutilate it. Koria's been know to ruin many a mascara wand.

japetersen said...

At least he's a cute destructoid!


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