Saturday, November 19, 2005

Even when the Utes suck they still beat the Cougars!

I just finished watching the Utah/BYU game and it was wonderful. The Runnin' Utes pulled out an overtime victory in one of the more exciting football games I have ever watched and lucky for me, I got to watch it alone, from the comfort of my own home. You see, Ross was at the game, cheering for the BY and I was at home, pretending not to care. (This is how we must participate in all rivarly sports, separatley with our own kind.) But, I discovered, I did care. I cared when Utah was winning in the first quarter and I had to call my dad, the first half, and especially when the game became tied with only minutes to play. At that time, I became once again, a Utah football fan. Can I just tell you that I love it when Utah beats BYU? I do. In the waining minutes of the game I was standing up, pacing the living room floor and doing what I always do when Utah is about to beat BYU, I called my family. They too, at home in the WVC were just as excited, waiting with baited breath as I was in the SJ; pacing and dancing about. Mom's heart was racing and Haley couldn't breathe. Willie didn't stop jumping up and down, even to talk to me on the phone. I can't beleive the Utes, plagued by injuries and starting a green quaterback, pulled it off. It was truly a magical afternoon turned long evening in the happy valley. The only problem now is, I can't get Ross to answer his phone (I've called him 5 times). I hope he isn't curled up underneath his seat crying. Maybe he should have made me go with him today. Every game I go to, the Cougars win. Sorry Ross, better luck next year! Oh wait, the last 8 out of 9 haven't been so good for you guys, have they?

Just in case you don't beleive I watched the game, here are some photos to prove it. The photo on the left is intended to display my nervous state. The Center photo displays my joy in victory. The third, on the right, is me in front of the tv to prove that yes, I did watch an entire football game on the television and was happy to do it.

Good Job Utes! You all made my day of laundry, painting my fingernails, hanging out in my lounge wear and overall solitary worth every minute.

Sorry Ross. I'm done now!

I love you! ;)

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