Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Try and guess what I'm thinking about

IMGP4039, originally uploaded by bookemdano1978.

What's the perfect treat for a pregnant diabetic with sometimes moderately high blood pressure?

Sugar you say?

Yes, you are correct.

On Monday, I made cookies with the intention of taking them to a sick friend. Well, because my brain doesn't work, my two year old is crazy, flip flops and snow don't mix, and the fact that said friend is still sick, but much worse, I didn't deliver the cookies.

I've been eating them.


Today - sugar bomb of the week numero deux. I had to make treats for Pack Meeting. The plan was to make two batches of cupcakes - 48 in all.

There were only enough eggs in the house for one batch - and the snow has dampened my mood so much that I chose to neither go to the store or call a neighbor.

Now I'm short 25 cupcakes (the Monkey ate one this morning).



The 23 I do have? They are beautiful.

Yellow butter cake mix - store bought

Homemade white chocolate icing - dyed sky blue for the cub scouts.

What happened to the left over icing? Well, there wasn't much, but my tummy is happy.




My blood sugar? Not so much.


Michele said...

I made cookies from scratch this weekend for the first time in forever. They were amazing, but the whole time they were in my house all I would eat were cookies. One day I think I had about 10..or maybe 15.

Bing Math said...

I think you are going insane.


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