Today, November is over. I'm pretty sure this is my last attempt at NaBloPoMo. After reading what Eden, the inventor wrote a week or so ago, it could be the last one for everyone. It's a fun, but very draining experience to write something on your blog every day for a whole month.
This morning, I've been thinking about the last month and about some of the things that have happened in the last thirty days. Here's the short list.
- hosted two dinner parties
- baked and iced nearly 200 cupcakes
- made 7 dozen croissants from scratch
- all four of us had bronchitis. They boys had walking pneumonia, too
- celebrated dad's birthday
- moved out of my house for four days
- had my entire house painted while I was moved out for four days
- did my job, attended a staff meeting, planned for and prepared a live webinar for folks all over the country
- picked my mom up form the airport
- went to church
- taught a big combined lesson at church that made a couple young women cry
- survived the preschool carpool another month
- survived having my preschooler home with out school for five days straight
- bought an artificial Christmas tree and decorated it
- mourned the loss of my great uncle
- prayed for my brother-in-law who was in a terrible motorcycle accident while he was in the hospital two weeks and had to have his shoulder joint replaced
- continuing to pray for my brother-in-law as he makes a slow recovery
- finished 90% of my Christmas shopping
- wrapped a few Christmas gifts to send to Arizona
- sent Ross and the Chick to the emergency room because he wasn't breathing so good. Spent a week doing the inhaler every three hours and a lot of sleepless nights driving around the neighborhood
- watched football on tv
- addresses and stuffed all my Christmas cards
- sat for a family photo
- made Christmas count down chains and hung them throughout the house
- bought my own Christmas present
- cheered my brother on as he made the VARSITY basketball team
- attended an early morning two hour church training
- went to book club even though I didn't read the book
- finished two books this month
- prepped a ton of food for Thanksgiving
- had a happy Thanksgiving at my mom's house with extended family
- enjoyed the company of my husband for 5 days straight - happy he was home - didn't argue or fight with him once .
- loved my boys - loved that they loved having their dad home
1 comment:
Way to go! I read every day and was always entertained.
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