Friday, July 20, 2012

Boys of summer....

I love basketball. I don't mind being at a live football game.  Soccer, baseball, golf...these sports are not my favorite but I'm good for a game a season, usually (Except golf.  Not a sport, just an expensive hobby!  Look at the shape of the majority of men who play golf, professionally or otherwise, and you'll have to agree!)

Anyway, after Elliott has such a great time playing baseball in the spring we decided to sign both boys up for the summer league sponsored by the Salt Lake Bees.  The kids got t-shirts, hats, 2 tickets each to a Bee's game, and last night got their trophies and pictures.  They've already used half their baseball tickets to have a night out with dad a couple weekends ago and are going to another game in August - mom gets to stay home and the boys get a great night out with their dad.  Awesome!

Anyway, last night was the last game.  We've had 8 games in 5 weeks and the boys, especially the littles on Wyatt's team, really improved a lot.  Technically, the boys played "t-ball" but by the last game last night, every kid on both teams was hitting coach pitches and were really doing well.

Ross was the coach of both of the boys teams.  He is such a good dad because dealing with a bunch of crazy 5-6 year olds and 3-4 year olds for a couple hours a week is pretty crazy for a dad whose used to sitting next to the CEO in a meeting.  But, he did an excellent job, the boys loved him and he even got a couple of hugs last night...not from his own kids.

I was proud of all my boys.  I was even more happy to have the cool weather last night - it was cloudy and overcast and a great night to sit and be fat and swollen in my folding chair.

jul 12








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