Friday, July 06, 2012


The 4th was busy but a good day.

We started my laundry room project, but of course ran out of time and didn't get it finished.  Saturday, then.

The bulk of our holiday was spent at my grandpas, swimming.  Well, all my boys swam, I sat and sweated on the side of the pool.  In the end, I was not brave enough to shove all my fat and big belly into a swim suit in front of 40 something of my family members.

My boys however, they are fish.  Absolute fish.  Thanks to their dad swimming with them, cousin Natalie giving Wyatt a private lesson and a whole lot of cousins to mess around with.

In the end, it was a great day that ended just as we, as parents had hoped, with two boys sound asleep in the car on the way home.


Swimming with dad.

4th of joolie swimming

Flying high with some baby butt crack on the side. @rrosshowden #gooddad

A few cousins at the pool

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